Diplomacy (PC Versie)

  • Herman

    Bij deze wilde ik jullie onderstaand bericht toch niet onthouden :

    Stockholm Feb 3, 2005 ? After much secrecy and the successful dodging of various infiltration attempts, developer and publisher Paradox Interactive finally revealed today that their next title under development is Diplomacy®! Hailed as one of the best board games in the world, Diplomacy® is being developed on a new engine that will cater for classical board game features as well as new fresh ideas based on the approved game design.

    ?We are all huge fans of the original board game Diplomacy® and want to stay true to the identity and feel, that makes the game so unique?, says Fredrik Lindgren, Director of Marketing and Sales at Paradox Interactive. ?At the same time the vision and ideas we are working on are strong enough to bring Diplomacy® into the new millennium which will most definitely attract a new generation of players as well as the true Diplomacy® veterans.?

    Paradox licensed the worldwide rights to bring Diplomacy® to the interactive arena in July 2004 and has since been working on the project. The development team behind Diplomacy® is known for specializing in strategy games and has such successful titles behind them as the Europa Univeralis® and Hearts of Iron? franchise.

    The game is scheduled for release on the PC platform in Q3 or Q4 2005.

  • peter heuvelman

    Er is al eens een PC versie diplomacy geweest, wat uitblonk in kunstmatige tegenspelers die de onderhandelkamer verlieten alvorens je voorstellen kon bespreken. het was dus niet te achterhalen hoe de A.I. was, want dan moest je sneller met muis te werk gaan dan Lucky Luke met zijn revolver.

    ben benieuwd waar men mee komt dus.

  • Charles

    Diplomacy lijkt mij bij uitstek hét spel dat niet in PC variant is te spelen. Alles draait toch om die intermenselijke actie (of menselijke interactie). Hoe kun je nou onderhandelen met A.I.?!?